måndag 27 december 2010

Do, does and did

I do
we do
you do
they do

he does
she does
it does

Do och does används för att översätta verbet göra men också för att inleda en fråga.

She does what she wants to do =  Hon gör vad hon vill göra.
We do may different things. = Vi gör många olika saker.
Does she like cats? = Gillar hon katter?
Do you feel sad? = Känner du dig ledsen?

Did används i imperfekt (dåtid)
he did
she did
it did
we did
they did
I did
you did

ex. Did you feel sad? = Kände du dig ledsen?

do, does, did  
do, does or did 2
do, does 
do, does 2